[Award] Sunshine Award

KYA! This is The First time I got this kind of award and I never imagine that it will happen to me. I saw this award in every cool blog that I ever visit, and… and… now I got it too! What a wonderful present in my gloomy Christmas!

I must give my big thanks to my teacher, my coach, my friend, my brother and my inspiring person, Kak Teguh Puja (The owner of Petrichor Majesty); then my blogger friend, my spamming sister, my dorama freak friend, Adiez Onni (The Owner of Dandelion notes); and my another blogger friend, my duet friend lately, Kak Aam (The Owner of De Reizen); and for my little sister, My pyscho friend, Helmyshin1 (The Owner of Psycho Addict); then The last, for my beloved sister,  The Writer who always gives her reader Happiness, Kak Nandita (The Owner of Simple Happiness) for giving this award to me. I know I have to learn more about how-to-write-something-good-and-acceptable-to-read, but let me enjoy this award for a moment, yes? Hahaha.

Hope this award will make my writing better and  be the best!

Then, there are some rules that come with the award.

  • Include the award’s logo in a post or on your blog (done)
  • Thank the person who gave this award (done)
  • Answer the questions below (Here I go)
  • Pass on the award to 10 fabulous bloggers (okay)
  • Let them know you awarded them (got it!)

My question answers are:

  • Favorite Color : Purple and Blue
  • Favorite Animal : emmh, snake? I always imagine that I could take care one of baby python, but I know, I can’t. Hahaha.
  • Favorite Number : 7 (because my birtday date, hehehe)
  • Favorite Drink : Bitter Tea
  • Facebook or Twitter : Both. But, I prefer twitter I guess.
  • Your Passion : Make a book? No! Two Books? No! MANY BOOKS!
  • Giving or Getting Presents : Getting. For a moment let me be selfish, I’m tired to be the one who gives my everything #teenagers
  • Favorite Physical Activity: Writing? Hahaha.
  • Favorite Day of the Week : Sunday
  • Favorite Flower : Bougenville

The nominations for the Sunshine Award are for these amazing people who always inspiring me with their stories, they are.

Actually, there are still many blogs that I want to choose, but this award only lets me to choose 10 blogs. So, Here they are, I’m choosing these blogs not only because they have cool writing, but also because I know that this award could make them more rise and shine. Like The meaning of this award, Sunshine Award, I hope they can rise and shine and keep writing!

update: So far I got The same award from four different blogger, I don’t how to express my feeling right now. This is very wonderful! Lets shine and rise!

Update: I think Kak Nandita will be the last person who gives this kind of award to me. Hihihihi.

20 respons untuk ‘[Award] Sunshine Award

  1. Speechless when you commented on my blog and give me a link. Thank you so much, Kak Dicta! Wish you can write a many books! Keep writing 😉

  2. Halo adek..

    maaaaaaf semaaf-maafnya ya aku baru merespon dari tulisan kamu ini dek.

    anyway, thanks a looooot for this award 😉

    aku baru pulang nyekar si bapak di klaten kemarin. dan sesegera mungkin aku melanjutkannya. hihihihihi.

  3. gomawo ya udah ngasih award, padahal saya gak merasa tulisan2 saya ini layak dapet award hihihihihi

    pokonya terima kasih lah 😛

    *bingung mau komen apa :p

    1. wakakaka, semua tulisan di dunia ini pantas untuk dihargai, karena di dalam menulis enggak ada yang namanya baku dan tidak baku (yang ada dalam pelajaran bahasanya aja). Mau nulis yang nyeleneh, gaje, apa pun itu, yang namanya tulisan pasti punya kelebihannya sendiri. Saya jujur malah ngiri sama Kakak yang bisa nulis apa adanya dan enggak tanggung2. Tulisan kakak itu kesannya: gue-emang-naris-lu-mau-apa-hah? WAKAKAKA. Malah bikin ngakak.

      Sip, sama-sama.

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